A Least Squares Approach
The essentials
Choose w to get the min Loss function.
we can change to fit our needs, but here we use the mostly used square root sum function.
Turning point
Goal: to choose the minimum in a mathmatical way. How it works: the partial derivatives of should be , and second derivatives should be a positive value to ensure this is a minimum/maxmum
n xn tn xntn x2
1 1896 12.00 22752.0 3.5948*10**6
2 1900 11.00 20900.0 3.6100*10**6
3 1904 11.00 20944.0 3.6252*10**6
4 1906 11.20 21347.2 3.6328*10**6
5 1908 10.80 20606.4 3.6405*10**6
6 1912 10.80 20649.6 3.6557*10**6
7 1920 10.80 20736.0 3.6864*10**6
8 1924 10.60 20394.4 3.7018*10**6
9 1928 10.80 20822.4 3.7172*10**6
10 1932 10.30 19899.6 3.7326*10**6
11 1936 10.30 19940.8 3.7481*10**6
12 1948 10.30 20064.4 3.7947*10**6
13 1952 10.40 20300.8 3.8103*10**6
14 1956 10.50 20538.0 3.8259*10**6
15 1960 10.20 19992.0 3.8416*10**6
16 1964 10.00 19640.0 3.8573*10**6
17 1968 9.95 19581.6 3.8730*10**6
18 1972 10.14 19996.1 3.8888*10**6
19 1976 10.06 19878.6 3.9046*10**6
20 1980 10.25 20295.0 3.9204*10**6
21 1984 9.99 19820.2 3.9363*10**6
22 1988 9.92 19721.0 3.9521*10**6
23 1992 9.96 19840.3 3.9681*10**6
24 1996 9.84 19640.6 3.9840*10**6
25 2000 9.87 19740.0 4.0000*10**6
26 2004 9.85 19739.4 4.0160*10**6
27 2008 9.69 19457.5 4.0321*10**6
# python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy as copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv',sep=' ')
mm = copy.deepcopy(df)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
df.loc[index,'x2'] = eval(df.iloc[index]['x2'])
mean = df.mean()
w1 = (mean['xntn']-mean['xn']*mean['tn'])/(mean['x2'] -mean['xn']*mean['xn'])
w0 = mean['tn'] - w1*mean['xn']
xn = mm.loc[:,'xn']
tn = mm.loc[:,'tn']
x = np.linspace(1870,2020,100) # 100 linearly spaced numbers
y = w0 + w1*x
plt.xlabel('Years', fontsize = 30)
plt.ylabel('Time(second)', fontsize = 30)
plt.plot(xn, tn, 'ro')
Linear model
Vector/ Matrix notation
- To express many variables in one time example:
useful identities:
Squre root
# data is the same as above
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy as copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv',sep=' ')
mm = copy.deepcopy(df)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
df.loc[index,'x2'] = eval(df.iloc[index]['x2'])
mean = df.mean()
X = np.ones(mm.shape[0]*2).reshape(mm.shape[0],2)
t = np.ones(mm.shape[0]).reshape(mm.shape[0],1)
for index in range(X.shape[0]):
X[index][1] = mm.loc[index, 'xn']
t[index][0] = mm.loc[index, 'tn']
Xt = np.transpose(X)
w = np.dot(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(Xt, X)) , Xt),t)
xn = mm.loc[:,'xn']
tn = mm.loc[:,'tn']
x = np.linspace(1870,2020,100)
y = w[0] + w[1]*x
plt.xlabel('Years', fontsize = 30)
plt.ylabel('Time(second)', fontsize = 30)
plt.plot(xn, tn, 'ro')
# print(w)
# out: array([[3.64164559e+01],[-1.33308857e-02]])
# the same result with above
# another better method and poly
import pylab as plt
import urllib.request
# You only need this line if you haven't cloned the repo...if you have cloned, you'll already have the data
urllib.request.urlretrieve('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdrogers/fcmlcode/master/notebooks/data/olympic100m.txt', 'olympic100m.txt')
import numpy as np
# If you have cloned, make sure this is pointing to the correct file, maybe ../data/olympic100m.txt ?
data = np.loadtxt('olympic100m.txt',delimiter=',')
x = data[:,0][:,None]
t = data[:,1][:,None]
X = np.hstack((np.ones_like(x),x,x**2)) # we just add more to here to change all
X = np.asmatrix(X)
t = t # This is already a vector!
w = (X.T*X).I*X.T*t
testx = np.linspace(1896,2012,100)[:,None]
testX = np.hstack((np.ones_like(testx),testx,testx**2))
testt = testX*w
Poly = 2
Poly = 3
we are free to define any set of K functions of X
import pylab as plt
import urllib.request
# You only need this line if you haven't cloned the repo...if you have cloned, you'll already have the data
urllib.request.urlretrieve('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdrogers/fcmlcode/master/notebooks/data/olympic100m.txt', 'olympic100m.txt')
import numpy as np
import math
# If you have cloned, make sure this is pointing to the correct file, maybe ../data/olympic100m.txt ?
data = np.loadtxt('olympic100m.txt',delimiter=',')
x = data[:,0][:,None]
t = data[:,1][:,None]
hx = np.sin((x-2660)/4.3)
X = np.hstack((np.ones_like(x),x,hx)) # we just add more to here to change all
X = np.asmatrix(X)
t = t # This is already a vector!
w = (X.T*X).I*X.T*t
testx = np.linspace(1896,2012,100)[:,None]
testX = np.hstack((np.ones_like(testx),testx,np.sin((testx-2660)/4.3)))
testt = testX*w
… Polynomial model
Validation data
- Why we need to validate?
- to restrain overfitting
- How we validate data?
- a effecient technique – Cross-validation(K-fold)
- How to prevent from overfitting?
- regularisation- if we don’t want our model to become too complex
- regularisation- if we don’t want our model to become too complex
import pylab as plt
import urllib.request
# You only need this line if you haven't cloned the repo...if you have cloned, you'll already have the data
urllib.request.urlretrieve('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdrogers/fcmlcode/master/notebooks/data/olympic100m.txt', 'olympic100m.txt')
import numpy as np
import math
# If you have cloned, make sure this is pointing to the correct file, maybe ../data/olympic100m.txt ?
data = np.loadtxt('olympic100m.txt',delimiter=',')
x = data[:,0][:,None]
t = data[:,1][:,None]
maxorder = 7
x_test = np.linspace(1896,2020,100)[:,None]
X = np.ones_like(x)
X_test = np.ones_like(x_test)
for i in range(1,maxorder+1):
X = np.hstack((X,x**i))
X_test = np.hstack((X_test,x_test**i))
X = np.asmatrix(X)
for lamb in [0,0.01,0.1,1,10,100]:
w = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(X.T,X) + x.size*lamb*np.identity(maxorder+1),np.dot(X.T,t))
A = np.dot(X.T,X)
B = np.dot(X.T,t)
m = A.I*B
#w = np.linalg.solve(A,B)
f_test = np.dot(X_test,w)
title = '<span class="katex"><span class="katex-mathml"><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><semantics><mrow><mi>λ</mi><mo>=</mo></mrow><annotation encoding="application/x-tex">\lambda=</annotation></semantics></math></span><span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true"><span class="base"><span class="strut" style="height:0.69444em;vertical-align:0em;"></span><span class="mord mathdefault">λ</span><span class="mspace" style="margin-right:0.2777777777777778em;"></span><span class="mrel">=</span></span></span></span>%g'%lamb
Attention: use np.linalg.solve(A,B) instead of becauese the accuracy problem.
The loss that we calculate from validation data will be sensitive to the choice of data in our validation set, especially dataset is small. so we need a method to make more efficient use of the data we have K-fold cross-validation, particularly, Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation(LOOCV)
The best model – minimize test loss
import pylab as plt
import urllib.request
# You only need this line if you haven't cloned the repo...if you have cloned, you'll already have the data
urllib.request.urlretrieve('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdrogers/fcmlcode/master/notebooks/data/olympic100m.txt', 'olympic100m.txt')
import numpy as np
import math
# If you have cloned, make sure this is pointing to the correct file, maybe ../data/olympic100m.txt ?
data = np.loadtxt('olympic100m.txt',delimiter=',')
x = data[:,0][:,None]
t = data[:,1][:,None]
maxorder = 8
x_train = x[:-3]
x_test = x[-3:]
t_train = t[:-3]
t_test = t[-3:]
X_train = np.ones_like(x_train)
X_test = np.ones_like(x_test)
errorlist = []
errorstdlist = []
for i in range(1,maxorder+1):
X_train = np.hstack((X_train,x_train**i))
X_test = np.hstack((X_test,x_test**i))
w = np.linalg.solve(np.dot(X_train.T,X_train) ,np.dot(X_train.T,t_train))
#w = np.linalg.solve(A,B)
f_test = np.dot(X_test,w)
error_std = np.std(f_test - t_test)
errorstdlist.append(np.std(np.dot(X_train,w) - t_train))
errorlist.append (error_std)
f_test = np.dot(X_test,w)
Best model visualization Then we can choose the best model.
LOOCV loss and train, test less
LOOCV loss:
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